Google It

Google it!

If you have to look up information do it correctly! Want to see what I mean? Okay, open up Google. 

 Search Revolution. Well if you're doing a class project the T.V. series is not going to help you here.

Okay now search revolution

Wow! Look at these sites! No really look at them. They all have something in common... Well you probably can't see it in these small pictures, but if you did the exercise you might notice that all of the websites end with .edu. Not .com, or .org. Why is that? Because we used Google the smart way!

Don't just search for a topic and expect to find accurate, trustworthy information. You have to dig, and use your thinking cap to find good sites. Here's some tools to help you find them.
Here's one version, and if you click this link you'll go to a YouTube video with a little bit more information than on the picture.